Zahtev za refundaciju avio karte
Request for the airline ticket refund

Ukoliko želite da refundirate avio kartu koja je kupljena u AirFantastu molimo vas da popunite formular u nastavku.

If you want to make an airline ticket refund which you bought in Airfantast, please fill the form.

Informacije o podnosiocu zahteva
Information about the customer

Molimo vas da upišete vaše ime i prezime
Please enter your first and last name
Molimo vas da upišete vašu email adresu.
Please enter your e-mail address.
Molimo vas da upišete vaš kontakt telefon.
Please enter your contact phone number.
Molimo vas da upišete razlog za refundaciju.
Please enter the reason for the refund

Informacije o rezervaciji za refundaciju
Information about reservation for the refund.

Molimo vas da upišete šifru vaše rezervacije.
Please enter your reservation code
Molimo vas da upišete datum početka putovanja.
Please enter your departure date

Informacije o putnicima.
Information about passengers.

Upisite ime i prezime putnika.
Please enter first and last name of the passenger.
Upisite broj karte putnika.
Please enter ticket number of the passenger.